Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Source Analysis

A valuable primary resource for the spread of Ebola in the USA is "Prevention" because it lists the appropriate methods one should undertake to prevent themselves from contracting Ebola from people that are directly on the scene.
An example of a secondary source about cyber bullying is the article, "Cyberbullying is rife" which shares interviews from teachers who have  had direct contact with students who have experienced bullying.
A reputable source for information on Edward Snowden  and his actions would be the video "Lawrence Lessig interviews Edward Snowden" because Snowden himself discusses his actions and their reasons.
A bad source for a post about President Obama and his achievements as POTUS would be "12 reasons Why Obama is One of the Best Presidents Ever". It could be considered a "bad" source because even though it lists examples it doesn't cite sources and it's kind of biased by an opinion the author already had.
My favorite leisure time activity is reading. A "good" source on reading is "Reading a Novel Triggers Lasting Changes in the Brain" because those quoted conducted experiments on graduate students to demonstrate the effect that reading can have on the brain. A "bad" source would be "Against YA" because it is opinionated and sort of rude and it does not list legitimate evidence to support her statements.

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