Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Tradition

Halloween is probably my most anticipated holiday after Christmas and before Thanksgiving. In elementary school my Halloween costumes were exactly a witch (2 years) and a clown. I walked around my neighborhood which in my earlier years only reached the corner and then branched out to near the subway and trick-or-treated.
In middle school I trick-or-treated only in the seventh grade with a friend. We ventured around her neighborhood with her big sister and her boyfriend in tow( her big sister's boyfriend not her boyfriend...anyways). That was the last time I trick-or-treated. Now I just buy all the candy I want because I'm a big kid now and watch scary movies until the wee hours of the morning. This Halloween will be no different, I presume.
My favorite thing about Halloween, above even watching my classic horror films, has to be stuffing myself full of sweets.

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